Lasers for Pigmentation

Struggling with pigmentation or brown spots? Tired of always trying to use the concealer, or afraid that yours make up can no longer hide the brown spots on your face which is getting more pronounced?
Reduce the appearance of unwanted pigmentation and dark spots with our targeted laser treatments! These can help to remove:
- Melasma
- Freckles
- Age Spots
The Pigment Laser has been designed specifically to help reduce patches of pigmentation that age your appearance.
It is a two-stage process, which helps to break up the areas of darker colour and uneven skin tones, but at the same time works to improve the skin’s texture and can also reduce pore size and fine lines & wrinkles.
A major advantage of Laser Toning for melasma is that there is no downtime, and minimal risk of side effects. You can achieve a smoother, more youthful skin with minimal interruption to your normal routine.
However, in certain sun spots/ freckles, we may be able to crust them off such that they turn brown peel off in a few days before lightening significantly. In that case, the actual spots may look darker for a few days before they lighten or completely go away.
This is because the laser light is absorbed by the melanin or pigment in the skin causing heating of the cells and eventually damaging them so that the body naturally removes them. The pigment appears to darken as the pigmented cells are lifted to the surface forming a very light scab. The cells are then naturally shed after a few days this reducing or removing the pigment completely.