Laser Scar Reduction

Although scars are a natural part of the skin’s healing process, they can cause pain, inconvenience, and self-consciousness.
Most small scars will become nearly invisible if given enough time to heal, but for scars that are large, thick, indented, or raised, scar treatment is available to reduce their appearance.
Laser scar removal is an excellent option, as are other cosmetic treatments such as microdermabrasion, chemical peels, and fat transfer therapy.
Causes of Scars
Scarring can result from virtually anything that damages the skin, from chicken pox to sports injuries and surgery. The more severely the skin is damaged, the longer it will take to heal and the more likely it is that a noticeable scar will develop. Fortunately, most scars are highly treatable. The type of scar treatment will depend on the cause of the scar. A common cause of facial scarring is severe adolescent or adult acne.
Laser Scar Reduction
Laser resurfacing with a carbon dioxide laser is a method of treating acne scarring. These lasers ablate the top layer of skin and this results in growth of smoother new skin which lessens the appearance of scarring. Also, removing the top layer of skin effectively lowers the level of the ‘normal’ skin down to the level of the indented or atrophic acne scar to create more level skin surface.
Typically, they are used to improve skin texture and tone, reduce wrinkles, remove sun damage and pigmentation, and to tighten skin on the face. They work by removing a fine layer of skin as well as heating the skin. This remodels the skin’s collagen, and this leads to significantly smoother, firmer, and more even-toned skin.