Uneven Skin Tone and Dull Skin

Enlarged pores, uneven skin tone, dull, dry, rough skin, thickened skin and oily skin have various causes, but all result in diminished skin clarity and beauty.
All these unsatisfied skin problems whether a result of chronic sun damage, sun spots, or melasma, can cause a lot of distress and frustration. Often multiple modalities are needed to effectively even the skin tone, combining facial treatments with a customized at home good skincare regimen is the key. Vitamin A, B and C serums are very important, as is cleansing, exfoliation and effective hydration.
Skin Texture Improvement
(Enlarged Pores, Uneven Skin Tone, Dull Skin, Oily Skin, Thickened Skin, Rough And Dry Skin, Fine Lines)
Adhering to a simple, effective routine using well formulated active skincare products will, over time, increase cell turnover, remove dull and dead skin cells, reduce oil production, prevent pigmentation and smooth and refine to achieve brighter, fresher, smoother and tighter looking skin. What are you waiting for? Come to meet Dr Thum at Le Beau Clinic: Your solution for glowing, luminous skin. He will evaluate the cause of uneven pigmentation before choosing a personalised treatment and skincare regime for the best possible results.
Common causes of uneven skin color and tone include:
- Sun spots or lentigines that present as flat brown spots on sun exposed areas
- Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation from conditions like acne
- Melasma, characterized by patchy discoloration on the cheeks, forehead, and upper lip.